The Smalls SAL is hosted by Stitching Lotus
First up is a Small which I forgot to post about in February (although I did post about it here on my March GG post). It was the initial heart pillow which I stitched for the Swap organised by Cheryll for Valentine's Day. This was sent to Sharmayne.
This is a modified Blackbird Designs piece.
This is most my recent Smalls finish - it the scissor fob design for Barbara Ana's A Snooty Parrot Sampler SAL (which I started in 2014!)
I have a sweet photo frame that was my mother's (we found a box of them when we cleaned out Mum and Dad's house in January - my DDIL persuaded me to keep the box of them for my stitcheries and I am so glad that I listened to her as they have been useful already), so I am thinking of framing it instead - maybe keeping it on my desk at work as it is such a sweet finish.
Next up is a FFO of my March Smalls SAL finish and the FFO of another long finished stitchery - both into cushions.
With the top cushion - I again, literally checked out my fabbie stash and pulled out this gorgeous paisley fabric which matched the design perfectly and when I didn't have enough for the back, I went back and pulled out the plain burgundy fabric - I think that this shows that I have way too much fabric!
I also found the perfect pearl ribbon floating around in my bits and bobs drawer!
I also found the perfect pearl ribbon floating around in my bits and bobs drawer!
I also finished stitching and FFOed March for the 2004 Cross Stitch Surprise series (January to December)
... and I am very happy to report that I am way ahead on my "Smalls" finishes for both the Hallowe'en Ornie SAL and the Christmas Ornie SAL.
February: Witchy Poo
March: Creepy Crawly Spiders
April: Winged Creatures
May: The Witch's Familiar, the Black Cat
Day Three: Three French Hens for March.
Day Four: Four Calling Birds for April
... and Day Five: Five Gold rings for May (although to be fair, this block was finished in January for a FB challenge).
And here is the whole piece so far - lots of border to keep me busy over the next few months until it is time to finish Six Geese-a-laying for June.
So, I am feeling very, very happy with all of my Smalls achievements!
If you would like to see what everyone else has stitched this month for the Smalls SAL, please click here.