Friday 5 February 2021

1000th POST - Yep, i got there!

 I can't quite believe that I have actually written and published ONE THOUSAND POSTS!!!!!!!  Woo Hoo!  So, I have quite an agenda for you today:

1. January Smalls SAL post (one week late - so sorry!)

2. Announce the winner of my Kitten Stitching and the Friday Frolics Giveaway

3. 2021 January Reading Challenge Update

4. 100th Post Giveaway!

So, here we go.....

1. Smalls SAL_January 2021 Update:

Mary at Mary's Thread hosts the wonderful Smalls SAL. On the last Friday of each month (I know, I know, I am a week late and have only just squeaked into the deadline for linking on her blog) we share our small stitching items that we have completed but not necessarily fully finished. Mary has a link up post on her blog so we can pop over to see everyone's work. If you click on the image below you can see the check in post on Mary's blog.

Thank you Mary for hosting this again. 

First, I have this sweet little Christmas Ornie, which I stitched for the January JCS Christmas Ornie 2021 FB SAL which is run by dear Jo.  

It is called Poinsettia by Pinochka from the JCS Christmas Ornie Mag 2020. It is stitched on unknown white linen, I did change the design up a bit by using silver floss instead of white for the snowflakes. I hope to get myself organised and fully finish it very soon.

My second Smalls finish is this gorgeous Winter Saltbox, a freebie from Pinker n Punkin Quilting and Stitching.  If you haven't checked out Melisa's blog yet, you should - she is very talented and generous with her freebies.

Just a reminder, please click on the Smalls SAL logo below if you would like to see what everyone else stitched this month.


The Winner of my first giveaway of 2021 (and my first giveaway for a long time now) is ......


Congratulations LCP, however, you are a no-reply-commenter, so I hope that you see this post as I cannot email you and when I checked out your blog, you had not posted since 2012!

Please email me on with your snailmail address.

[Note:  If I don't hear from LCP within a week, I will redraw a winner]

3. 2021 Reading Challenge...

Well, after the excitement of beating my 2019 Reading Challenge by two books ...

I went for broke in 2020 and aimed for 175 books, which surprisingly, despite Covid and a loooong Lockdown in Melbourne, I did not achieve - I blame it on Netflix - lol!

So, this year, I am being a bit more modest in my ambitions and I am going for 165 books.  I am currently two books behind but it is early days yet and I am blaming it on my reread of The Stand by Stephen King - such a huge novel - lol!

So, this is what I have read so far this year .....

A number of the novels in the Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn - very lighthearted but lots of fun!

More novels in the Joe Pickett series, these are about a Game Warden in Wyoming - a bit violent but I really like the character and reading about Wyoming.

"Crumbling world" is the first novel in a dystopian series but so badly written that I am not sure how I managed to read the whole thing so I certainly will NOT be reading anymore in the series.

A couple of books in the Peter Grant series by Ben Aaronovitch - these I love - Magic is alive and well in London and Detective Constable Peter Grant is going to make sure that it behaves itself!

The Stand by Stephen King, a beast of a novel sizewise but so good!

I really enjoyed the Arsene Lupin novel - dated in style but fun!

Lastly, for a bit of light entertainment, I am rereading the Alex Rider series of YA novels - about a teenage "James Bond". Such fun!

What are you all reading?  I would love to know.


To celebrate my 1000th post on this blog, I have three designs to giveaway - you can enter for one, two or three of the - just be clear which one/s you would like.

#1. Counting Bats by Just Nan

#2 Troubled Water by Ink Circles

#3 Water Hazard by Ink Circles

Giveaway "Rules"

1. Comment on this post on Kitten Stitching to enter - please be clear that you wish to enter the giveaway and which design/s you are interested in.

2.  I will post ANYWHERE IN THE WOLRD, although I cannot guarantee how long it will take for you to get it in this Time of Covid - lol!

3. Giveaway closes at midnight, February 28 AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)

4. Good Luck!🍀

Thanks for visiting and please don't forget to leave a comment as I do love a good chat,



Kay said...

Wow!! Many congratulations on your 1000th post. That is a fantastic achievement for you. A big thank you too for them as blog posts bring lots of happiness to those that read them. While we are in lockdown reading posts that come up on my Bloglovin' feed is part of my day to bring a little joy and normality in my life.

butterfly said...

Congratulations Kaye on reaching 1,000 .
love the blue house in your stitching .
Have a great day .

Lin said...

Congratulations! xx

Rachel said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post! With a lot of bloggers leaving in favour of other platforms it's good to know that some 'old-timers' are still going! Here's to the next 1000 posts!
I've read the Alex Rider series and really enjoyed them, but then I rarely read books so don't have much to compare them with! :)
I'll pass on the giveaways, thank you, but good luck to those who enter. :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Congratulations on the 1000th post! I got mine in some time last year. It's a great achievement.
Lovely work on the Smalls this month.
I've already stitched Counting Bats but I'd be happy with either Ink Circles chart.

Mary said...

Congratulations on 1000 posts, that is quite an achievement!! Love the Saltbox house and pretty pointsetta. Your certainly an avid reader!! I read the Stand years ago and it was so good I couldn't appreciated any other of his books, The Stand spoiled me!

Vickie said...

Congratulations Kaye! That is quite a feat! I am now reading The Only Woman in the Room and it is very good. I just finished Arctic Fury and it was also very good!

Donna G. said...

Yay for 1,000 posts! I have been so neglectful on my blogging! I enjoy seeing the progress on your stitching projects. Thanks for the chance to win. I would be interested in the Just Nan design.

LCP said...

Congratulations! & Thank you.. I emailed my address for the chart. I read book tiled by the same years ago. I may need to reread. Congratulations & thank you!Lisa from Alaska.

Mary's Thread said...

Many Many hearty congratulations on your 1000th post! That is really something!!!

Thank you for joining the SAL! Your snowflake is sweet. I look forward to seeing how you finish it!

I am completely impressed by the quantity of books read, even if you didn't make your goal of 175! I can't even imagine reading that many in a year! When do you have time to stitch! ? Ha ha! :)

Have a wonderful week!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Woo Hoo and Congratulations on your 1000th post. That is quite a milestone, Kaye. I just found your blog and have been enjoying reading and looking at all of the gorgeous photos. I am very honored that you are stitching Winter Saltbox.It looks amazing and the blues really pop on your fabric and you gave me the sweetest shout. Thank you so much. I look forward to reading more of your posts and seeing your progress on all of your stitching. Happy stitching.

Kaisievic said...

@Mary's Thread, I'll let you into a secret re my reading and stitching - now that I do nearly all my reading on my iPad, I can stitch as well - double trouble!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Huge congratulations on reaching 1000 posts, that's a lot of blogging. Your smalls look great, I'm doing the JCS SAL too. Good luck with your book challenge, we watched the Bridgerton drama on TV, it was very good. Please would you enter me for your Counting Bats giveaway, thank you.

Sheryl said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post Kaye, amazing. I really like the two stitcheries you show for the Smalls SAL, the gorgeous Poinsettia and also the Winter Saltbox.

Suzanne H said...

Congratulations on your 1000 post! Quite a milestone. I saw your answer to Mary's Thread - but how is that possible? I can barely watch tv and stitch :)
I'd love to be in the drawing for Counting Bats by Just Nan. My daughter loves Halloween and this would be a fun stitch. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Kaisievic said...

@Suzanne H, as you, too, are a no-reply-commenter, I will tell you that I always stitch when I watch TV and then I find that I can stitch simple designs whilst reading - not sure how I do it but i do - lol! Good luck for the draw - Counting Bats is a great design.

jhm said...

Thanks for the drawing in general. Personnaly I would like #1 counting bats. I have a couple other Just Nans that would go with it nicely. Hang in there, THE vaccines are coming, although a bit slowly and we will someday return to some kind of normal.

kiwikid said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post. I have also challenges myself to read 100 hooks this year and am 3 behind at present, I am intersted to see what you are reading, always good to get some ideas of good books. I am currently reading Clanlands by Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish, is a good read so far. Thank you for the give away offer but not for me I am not a cross stitch person.

jocondine said...

Félicitations ! Well done with the blog, those nice posts and the stitchings you share with us. I'd like to be in the giveaway for the 1/ Countings bats, would be great to have a new Halloween chart for this year. Very interesting challenge book, love to see you read Arsène Lupin novel, we visited Maurice Leblanc's house in Normandy, I posted some pictures on the blog in March 2017, it's in Etretat and called "le clos Lupin". Hugs. xxx

A Patchwork of Crafts said...

Wow that is a lot of posts, congratulations. I rather like counting bats having seen it over with Jo.

dq said...

great accomplishment! I woouid like to win the just nan counting bats pattern!

Louca por porcelana said...


Christine said...

Well done on your 1000th post!
I like the Rivers of London Books too, and my girls enjoyed Alex Rider when they were teenagers. Did you catch the TV series based on them last year?
Could I please be included in the giveaway for the Counting Bats?

Barb said...

Congratulations! That is a lot of posts! I would love to win Counting Bats. I love Halloween and I don't have that chart. Loved reading about all you have been up to!

Carm said...

Wow, what an accomplishment! I would like to be considered for the first chart about the bats. Thanks, Carmie

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