Here is my stitching/crafting pie for October.....
Okay, what is a Stitching Pie, I hear you ask?
Well, I am "stealing" yet another great idea from my dear Stitchy and Bloggy friend, Jo, from Serendipitous Stitching. Each month she includes a pie graph of which projects she has been stitching on - showing how much time, proportionally, has been spent on each one in that month.
I really like this idea, so I am copying it, thank you Jo, I hope that you don't mind, so here we go for October 2018 .....
Altogether I stitched for 7.8% of the month. This is less than last month which was 10.3%, but I did have a few days this month when I did not stitch at all! October has been a busy month for me, what with 60th birthday celebrations, lots happening with the house (I spent a lot of time this month getting quotes for blinds, etc.) plus work has been quite busy, too. So, I suppose all of that explains my lower figure this month.
So, what has all this stitching been? Let's take a look, taking it from the top....
Peas and Qs by The Cricket Collection
Surprised Santa from More Bah Humbug by Sue Hillis Designs,
Hangover Santa from Bah Humbug by Sue Hillis Designs
Alice by Aury TM
Christmas Goose by Stacy Nash
(if you think this looks familiar, I did stitch this about five years ago - check it out here - but I love the pattern so much that I am stitching it again as I think that I gave the first one away).
Frosty Hopes
Elephant Baby Sampler
Xmas Trees (on the right) from Nordic Holiday, by Prairie Schooler (Book #191)
Pumpkin Man from the Boo Man booklet from Prairie Schooler.
Partridge in a Pear Tree from Nordic Holiday , by Prairie Schooler (Book #191)
Broken Ornament from More Bah Humbug by Sue Hillis Designs

So, in all, still a busy month of stitching for me, I think.
Thanks for visiting,
P.S. Click on this pic below to find out all about my latest Giveaway - closes next Sunday.
Oh my Kaye, so many great projects you show us here. I love to see other stitchers' WIPs and can't get enough although I should get busy with my own WIPs :) But my stitching bug stays away and I don't know where it is :(
Well it certainly looks like you've been busy stitching! I still love both those Humbugs!
You did really well in October, lots of lovely and different things you worked on.
Yay for more pie lovers! You did stitch a lot of different projects last month. I like the Alice one by Aury TM the most, stitch that some more LOL
You have managed a lot of stitching on a lot of projects, even though you have had a busy month! x
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