I think that I have mentioned (at least in passing) my sewing group to you, we are tentatively called the "Sevenoaks Sewers" and we meet on the second Thursday (and sometimes more often) of the month to sit and chat together.
The lovely Helen, from Helen's Patchwork Passion, is kind enough to open up her home to us each month. Where we are made so welcome, especially by Eddie and Seven, below.
Aren't they cute?
Unfortunately, this month, two of our group (Dawn and Sue - we missed your great company, ladies) couldn't make it, but the three of us left (Helen, Anna and I) had lots of fun starting our new project....
Red Robin pouch and jewellery keep by Melissa Grant from "One Day in May".

Anna made great progress on her first robin panel (and she has already sewn up the patchwork section).
Helen made great strides with her stitching.
And I managed to trace out my first robin panel.
As I had some leftover fabric from making my dilly bag and lots of pink and green fabric in my stash and ....
.... I adore the pink/green colour combo, I am making a "Pink" Robin pouch
and jewellery keep.
Here is my progress so far....
We are actually meeting again in a fortnight and I hope to have at least this panel finished before then and maybe the pouch completed??????? (Frail hope, I know but I can dream, can't I????)
Anyway, here it is Friday again, so off to check out my WIP/UFO pile to see what to stitch for Friday Frolics and later on, (maybe tomorrow), there will be a Smalls SAL post (and TUSAL, too, of course) - so please come back to visit.
P.S. As I am super busy the next couple of days (doing fun things, of course) - there is still time to join in my Merry Xmas in July Exchange. Just click on a present below to sign up.