Well, unfortunately, I did not get too much stitching done last night for FNSI. Not surprising as I have had a very BIG week, but more of FNSI in a minute!
First, I need to tell you that my company has moved offices! The company has brought the educational and trade publishing divisions under one roof.
So, no more driving through heavy traffic to Port Melbourne for Kaye! Yay!
Now I:
- walk out my front door,
- take the "long" trek of about 50 metres to the Eaglemont train station,
- catch the 8.25 train
- find a comfy seat, take out my stitching and then 30 minutes later
- I alight at Southern Cross Station in the city,
- make the even "longer" trek of 500 metres to my brand new office!
Enjoy the pics:
The office was once an old Railways Goods Shed:
historic Goods Shed South.
Built in 1889 for £72,943 17s 5 1/2d, (almost AUD$8 million in today’s money) Goods Shed No. 2 was a Victorian Railways building.
Its original length spanned over two city blocks, stretching 385 metres in length making it the largest railway shed ever built in Melbourne. The building lay derelict for over 30 years and became redundant in the 1980s, later being bisected by the Collins Street extension which created the North and South side.

As I walk across the Collins Street extension I can see my new office and this very large bird overlooking us.

Here is the new foyer:
... and everywhere there are flatscreen TVs, which on the first day welcomed us to the new office. Do you like the slogan - "Creativity lives here"?
Here are some pics of various ares of the building:
Everywhere there are breakout areas where people can sit - each area is characterised by a gorgeous rug. One day, I am going to roam the large building taking pics of each different rug design.
Some of my very happy colleagues:
My new desk, with all of my stuff waiting for me to unpack.
Cool new meeting rooms:
One of the lunch areas:
The space age-looking board room!
It is a very long building!
One of the new kitchens: (there are several, as there are about 470 people in the new office space)
Cool new fridges:
A sound studio:
The "cafe": comfy couches surrounded by free books for us to read:
I hope that you have enjoyed my tour of our new office. However, it is quite a big thing to have moved us all in this way - a bit unsettling, in a good way but still meant that I am really tired this weekend.
During the week, TraderVic and I went to see the Napoleon Exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria (no one quite knows how the State of Victoria can have a National Gallery!).
The exhibition was fantastic - so much to see! Paintings, beautiful china, and so much more! If it ever comes to your city, do pay it a visit.
Travelling Pattern: I have been lucky enough to win the
Lizzie Kate Little House Needleworks Summer Garden Travelling Pattern passed onto me by
Mouse. The Rule with this TP, is that you have to choose your backing fabric first and then choose your thread colours based on the backing fabric. If you follow the link you will see Mouse's lovely finished design. The Travelling Pattern originally started with
Myra, thank you Myra for starting the TP and thank you Mouse for choosing to pass it onto me.
This is the fabric which I have chosen for my backing fabric, now I just have to wait for the pattern to arrive:
I hope that you like it - it is a reproduction fabric from my old quilting stash.
Now, it is time for my FNSI update. I didn't get much done as I have had such a big week, but I felt like working on Mary Wigham. She is my go-to project when I feel like being soothed. Such a pleasure to stitch.
This is what I got done last night (above) and below is my overall progress.
Lastly, I was feeling down (we had some trouble with DFIL) this morning - so I made an impromptu trip to the hairdresser and had all of my hair chopped off! (Well, not quite all, but you know what I mean).
Anyway, I am making corned beef with white onion sauce and Dutch Cream potatoes for dinner tonight so I had better get the meat on to cook. Have a great weekend everyone.