Now, this is the third year, I have taken part in this wonderful, online party, hosted by the lovely Vickie from 2 Bags Full.
I will have to apologise in advance to previous partygoers as I steal a little of previous year's posts for this one.
Welcome to all of the party goers - I hope that you enjoy visiting everyone's blog. Please follow this link to see who is partying with me.
For those of you who are new to my blog, I will tell you a few things about myself that is not on my header above:
I have had this blog, Kitten Stitching for over four years now and I absolutely love it! In it I chronicle the ups and downs of my life (and if you scroll back a few posts you will see that I have had both in the past week or so; the highest of highs when DS1 was married on January 10th and the lowest of lows when my DFIL passed away unexpectedly on January 16th).
This is me, congratulating my new daughter-in-law.
In many ways, I find writing this blog to be so very therapeutic. It is strange, even though blogging is a global forum, I actually find it very intimate and I have made so many good online cross stitchy friends who have enriched my life immensely and give me so much support through the good times and the bad. I cannot thank each and every one of you enough! Thank you, to all my lovely bloggy friends.
How did I start? Well, my dear online friend Ginny, started me on this blogging journey when we "met" when I was searching for a Henry VIII Cross stitch pattern. Funnily enough, Ginny doesn't blog all that much anymore but we still keep in touch on FB - Thank you, Ginny.
Now, talking about Henry VIII - I am mad for the Tudors, so I have several Tudor WIPs and I started a FB group called Tudor Tuesday SAL - if you are on FB, love the Tudors and would like to join, just let me know - here is a link to the FB group.

Oh, and by the way, Henry and his six wives is still very much a work in progress four years later - but I do not want to write about how very many WIPs I have but I can tell you that there are too many!
Basically, I am a passionate historian and luckily for me, that is what my job is now. I work as a publisher of History (and other subject areas) books for a large educational publisher here in Australia. It is a great job and I love it - although working full time does cut into my stitching time!
Lastly, I wish to have a mystery Giveaway for reading this post. Well, the same as last year, the mystery is that I have not yet decided what the Gifts will be! And yes, I said Gifts, because the same as last year, I am going to have two Giveaways: one for Australian bloggy friends and one for Overseas bloggy friends. So, here are the rules:
- You must comment on THIS POST only, telling me that you would like to be entered in the Giveaway.
- In your comment, please tell me if you are an Aussie or Overseas bloggy friend and please include your email address and your blog address.
- The Giveaway closes on Feb 14th, winners' names will be drawn on Feb 15th.
So, thanks for visiting, enjoy the Blog Party and good luck for the Giveaway.