Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Please check out.....

... the 2018 stitching themes for the Christmas Ornie SAL which are up on the blog now plus the new badge for 2018 (below.

You can find the post with the new themes here....

.... and you can either download the 2018 badge here.... or save the one below.

(if you are curious as to how I made this gorgeous badge - I used picmonkey.  It is an online tool that allows you to play around with your images - cool, hey?)

Now, remember, we are off on our big European adventure in less than 48 hours now (and I have managed to take a tumble in the garden down some steps and hit my head on a metal garden arch - chasing one of the kitty cats, of course - I have a big bump on my head, scrapes, aches, grazes and bruises and a headache the size of the Sydney Harbour Bridge plus I am just getting over a very sore throat - but will any of that stop me from getting on that plane on early Thursday am - no way!  I cannot wait to see my daughter after eighteen months!).

So, we are off on a big five week trip to Europe  (London to see DD, Christmas with DH's cousins in Sicily, Rome, Southern Spain and Dubai!). 

If you want to follow my travels - you will find them at these places:

Blog: http://kittenstitching.blogspot.com
FB: Kaye De Petro
Instagram: Kaisievic

lots of Christmassy hugs, 


Tiffstitch said...

Woohoo! Have a very safe flight and be careful out there. Also, enjoy yourself and I will try and figure out how to make a plan to join the ornie SAL. :)

mdgtjulie said...

Hi Kaye. I can totally see the cat making life difficult for you. After all, they rule the world, don't they?!? I hope your trip is wonderful, and the headache leaves before your flight!!! I also just made a friend request on facebook to you. I'm Julie Nemitz. It's been so long since I've been on blogspot regularly, and I'm in the FB groups so often, that I hardly have time for it anymore.

Kay said...

Have a wonderful holiday, safe travels. x

Mary said...

Kaye, I hope your injuries heal quickly so you can enjoy every minute of your wonderful vacation. How exciting to be traveling for 5 weeks!!! Safe travels! Mary

Carol said...

Sounds like an amazing trip, Kaye! Enjoy and I look forward to seeing your photos :)

Margaret said...

I hope you have a wonderful time! Safe travels!

Barb said...

Hope you are all better by Thurs. am and have a wonderful trip and time with family!!

Linda said...

I'm sorry you fell and got hurt Kaye. Sending hugs for a speedy recovery. Have a wonderful trip and Merry Christmas.


gracie said...

Oh Kaye, you must be careful! Have a wonderful journey and safe travels. Look forward to the pictures!

Bethan said...

Have safe and wonderful travels, and I hope your bumped head is feeling better! x

OhSewCrafty said...

Safe travels & Merry Christmas! BTW, loved the Snowy Forest in your last post.

Julie said...

I hope you are having the time of your life and a wonderful trip.

FlashinScissors said...

Sorry to be late commenting. Hope you are OK after your nasty fall and enjoying your travels!
Wishing you a very Happy and Healthy New Year!
Barbara xx

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