Monday, 15 December 2014

Chasing my tail.....

Oh dear, it seems to be the story of my life lately, trying to catch up with my blogging - posting, reading and commenting.

I am so sorry everyone, I do try to keep up and I do read all of your comments and try to visit as many blogs as I can, but sometimes it is hard to keep up.

I feel like that tiger chasing his tail....

Yep, that sums me up perfectly!  lol!

Let's see, the postie has been busy around my house this week.

I was lucky enough to  receive some great parcels in the mail:

First of all, it was my Santa Sack from Lisa V, this is a swap organised by that awesome SwapMama, Cheryll each year.

I wonder what is inside this parcel?
Look, it is a gorgeous stocking but what is inside the stocking?

Wonderful gifts, of course, but for now I am only allowed to squish!

Thanks, Lisa, I cannot wait to open them all.

Then, the lovely Gaynor sent me this very cute design as I was a winner in her Breast cancer fundraiser.

So cute!

Thank you so much, Gaynor, I hope that you are feeling better.

Then I won another giveaway, this one was hosted by Andrea from The Craft Room.
I won this absolutely gorgeous mini pillow - it is so beautifully stitched and finished.  I am so proud to have such fine work living in my home with me.

Of course, I sent off a Santa Sack parcel, too, but no pics until Lisa receives it, in the next couple of days, I hope.

I also sent a Christmas exchange parcel to my very, very dear friend Shirlee, but that also is secret until she gets it.

... and I will be joining in the fun of Jo from Serendipitous Stitching's Advent Blog hop on Wednesday, in the meantime, check it out here.

Okay, gotta dash - work awaits.

Have a great week everyone,



KimM said...

Hi, Kaye! You've been busy, busy - can hardly wait to see your Santa Sack gifts.

Linda said...

You have received some lovely gifts Kaye.


Annette-California said...

Yep you've been an busy elf! I also had a exchange with Shirlee. I am saving her gifts to open on Christmas morning. And I also got a beautiful stitched ornament from Andrea.
I look forward to seeing what Lisa made you! Happy Holidays - love Annette

Vickie said...

Such fun! I hope the wedding plans are going well.

gracie said...

Wonderful packages

Anonymous said...

Hi Kaye yes I think everyone has been like that this year,I myself are worn out,yes I do my blog commenting in stages so that I get them all done,lol,lots of stuff coming and going from your house Kaye,congrats on your wins.xx

Noela said...

It is that time of year Kaye. I am the same with blog reading etc. Lots of lovely gifts to open soon. hugs....

Barb said...

Lots of lovely things!

Danielle A said...

Winter is for the birds! That's a cute little pillow with a great saying!

Preeti said...

You have got so many wonderful gifts :)

Sarah in Stitches said...

Amazing gifts! Enjoy your goodies :D

Mii Stitch said...

I love the kit that Gaynor sent you, it is just so cute!!

Margaret said...

What fun with all your packages! Tis the season, and it looks like you are enjoying it! Hope all the wedding prep is going well! No worries on blog reading -- I agree, it's hard to keep up!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

What a lovely bunch of gifts you've received :) A very good girl you've been indeed!

Thoeria said...

Oh goodie goodie!!! The postie has been busy! Think I'm just as excited as you to see what's in those lovely packages :)

Daniela Bencúrová said...

Kaye, you have received many lovely gifts!
Congratulations !!!

Bea said...

The postman must be one of your favourite people right now. Lovely gifts - and exciting parcels! such fun.

Frances said...

I love that tiger picture!!!
What a beautiful ornament from Andrea. I got one, too and I'm so proud of it!
Looks like you've got some fun things to unwrap!

Andrea said...

I'm wayyyy behind commenting on blogs myself. Wonderful gifties. You're going to have lots to unwrap.

Maggee said...

I have about 75 blog posts to catch up on... between tonite and tomorrow, tho, I hope to knock them out. THEN I have to post on MY blog!! Lots to share... You have a lot of parcels to look forward to opening... what fun! And the gifties you have received and opened--most lovely! Glad you are taking time to enjoy Christmas! Hugs!

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