Thursday, 18 October 2012

Days 7 and 8 of the 11 Days of Kaisievic's Birthday Giveaway....

Oh dear, I seem to be running  a day behind with my Gift-giving - not quite sure what has happened.  So, here we have Days 7 and 8's GIFTS:

Just comment on this post to let me know which Gift/s you are interested in receiving and don't forget to check out Days 1 to 6 on my earlier posts.  Remember you can enter the draw for any or all but can only win ONE Gift.


A trio of Australian magazines (not recent).  I thought that some of my overseas Followers might be interested in these.  Donna Hay is one of our most famous foodies and Homespun is a lovely quilting, with some stitching, magazine.


A tube of Lucas' pawpaw ointment - great for chapped lips and other minor ailments like minor burns, etc and some of my favourite Udder cream - this is a great handcream for stitchers as you can literally put some on and then stitch as it is non-greasy.  Two more great Australian products.

Must dash to catch my train...

Have a great day everyone,



AnaCristina said...

Oh Kaie!! I am interested in receiving the gift 7 and 8!! Thank you to share with us!

Cath said...

Oh, I don't think I have either of those copies of Homespun Mag. My favourite!

Gill - That British Woman said...

Count me in for the magazines, I am a magazine junkie!!!

Gill in Canada

Samplers, Silks and Linens said...

great giveaway Kaye - count me in!

Nicola said...

Please include me in your giveaway for the magazines, you have such interesting ones in Austrailia.

I do hope I will be lucky.

Margaret said...

I'd love to be entered for the magazines! Thanks!

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Oh yes please the MooGoo!

Anonymous said...

please Kaye enter me as well,thankyou and fingers crossed.xx

Fiore said...

Hi Kaie, I'm just an overseas follower of yours. So please count me for the magazines, but sooner or later I would also try those Luca's wonderful creams, because we don't have them in Italia.
Take care

cucki said...

hello dear..please count me in for the day 7 giveaway for the mags..i love those homespun mag so much and we dont get these mags here now..they used to come..i love them so much.
thank you
hugs cucki xxx

Gill said...

Please count me in for 7 and 8!

Linda said...

Hi Kaye. I would love to be entered for #8.

Thank you, Linda

barb's creations said...

Could you please pop my name in the hat for day 7 I love Homspun and I don't have either of those issues and love Donna hay cook books as well,thanks for the chance :) Barb.

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