WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi's Musings
Each month we have to share the projects we want to complete before the End Of The World. Measi always gives us a topic to discuss, too. For February the topic is:
What do you listen to while stitching?
Whilst I know that lots of people like to listen to podcasts my favourite thing to do is to listen to a book on Audible. I am currently listening to a series of Irish crime novels by Patricia Gibney and, I am so enjoying that gorgeous Irish accent.
Whilst I know that lots of people like to listen to podcasts my favourite thing to do is to listen to a book on Audible. I am currently listening to a series of Irish crime novels by Patricia Gibney and, I am so enjoying that gorgeous Irish accent.
.... and just to explain what I am up to with how my WIPocalypse is going to work (please feel free to scroll down if you have read this before):
"As I wrote last post:
"This year is going to be my second attempt at taking part in WIPocalypse, the first time was in 2017. When I only managed three posts! Hopefully, this year I will be more organised and motivated and keep myself on track.
As Jo, from Serendipitous Stitching, is my absolutely stitching hero, I am going to follow her lead and stitch on "20 for [20]20" this year. However, with a bit of a twist, as I am not going to list all twenty on this initial post mainly because we have had all of the family home for Christmas/New Year plus some overseas visitors plus I broke my nose three days before Christmas (having some nose surgery tomorrow to fix it all up - feeling a bit nervous about it, I must admit) so I have not had the time I needed before the 5th Jan to go through all of my stash (and as you can see this post is late!)."
As Jo, from Serendipitous Stitching, is my absolutely stitching hero, I am going to follow her lead and stitch on "20 for [20]20" this year. However, with a bit of a twist, as I am not going to list all twenty on this initial post mainly because we have had all of the family home for Christmas/New Year plus some overseas visitors plus I broke my nose three days before Christmas (having some nose surgery tomorrow to fix it all up - feeling a bit nervous about it, I must admit) so I have not had the time I needed before the 5th Jan to go through all of my stash (and as you can see this post is late!)."
However, as I have been doing a bit of rearranging in my Girl's Nest, I found my very large pile of finished Stitched pieces which have not been FFOed! Some of the them have been languishing for years. So, I am setting myself the goal of FFOing "20 in'20" this year, too! Now, a couple of them are going to require professional framing but that will still count as that will still take time and $$$$."
So, here is my NEWLY UPDATED Stitching list:
Key: Blue = Projects stitched on this month
Purples = Projects Newly added to the list
Pink = Finished Projects
Key: Blue = Projects stitched on this month
Purples = Projects Newly added to the list
Pink = Finished Projects
1. Snowflake Serenade by CCN (Finished in February 2020)
2. Saltbox Farm by Linda Meyers (WIP)
3. Twelve Christmas ornaments from JCS Ornie Mag 2011 to 2019 for the Christmas Ornie SAL
- January is finished- Stitched on February
4. [Another] Twelve Christmas ornaments from JCS Ornie Mag 2019 for JCS Ornie Mag 2019 FB SAL
- January and February are finished
- January and February are finished
5. Quakers in England Mystery SAL by Tempting Tangles Designs
6. Peas & Qs by The Cricket Collection (WIP)
7. Ebony and Ivory by Tempting Tangles Designs (WIP)
8. Mary Wigham by (WIP)
9. Jour D'Hiver by Lilli Violette (WIP)
10. A Seasonal Sampling by Linda Meyers (WIP)
11. Granny's Daily Temperature SAL by Carolyn Manning
12. Hallowe'en Ornie SAL - at least six of the 12 themes
13. Prairie Schoolers Yearly Santa SAL with my friend, Marie (of walking around Princes Park every Sunday fame) - we aim to stitch as many of the yearly Santas as we can this year but this will be an ongoing SAL so no pressure!
1. 2005 Santa finished (February 2020)2. 2015 Santa started
14. The Ice Skaters, design from a Better Homes and Garden mag, 1992
15. Linen and Threads 2020 Mystery SAL
16. The Three Musketeers Stitching Bookclub SAL by Sapphire Mountain Designs
17. Jane Marshall 1857 by Hands Across the Seas Samplers (a fundraiser for the Australian Bushfire
18. Quaker Village by Rosewood Manor (newly added to the list)
19. The Faerie Queen Sampler by The Scarlet Letter
20. ?
... here are the photos of what I managed to stitch on this month:
1. Snowflake Serenade by CCN
"Friends are Christmas Treasures" by Historic Handworkes (JCS Christmas Ornie Mag 2016).
4. JCS Ornie Mag 2019 FB SAL - Christmas Bullfinch by Punochka.
Starting with the flag of England.
13. Prairie Schooler Yearly Santa SAL
A finish of 2005 Santa ...

... and a start on 2015...
16. The Three Musketeers Stitching Bookclub SAL by Sapphire Mountain Designs

18. Quaker Village by Rosewood Manor (newly added to the list)
19. The Faerie Queen Sampler by The Scarlet Letter
So, altogether I managed to stitch on eleven WIPocalypse projects, making excellent progress on some of them. I am a very happy Stitcher this month!
Now, to all my UNFINISHED Finished Stitching. Last month I managed to FFO one stitched piece, but this month I managed three! So, now I have FFOed 4/20 for WIPocalypse.
#2 is "Falling" by Plum Street Samplers which is a recent stitching finish.
Proverbi 3 by Paola Gattiblu
28ct Flax Linen
My selection of speciality floss
(The two blues are WDW Blue Jean and GAST Cornflower)
I actually finished this way back in January 2016! Only took four years to actually FFO it!
A freebie from Anne Les Petites Croix: Bonne Annee (Happy New Year) which I changed to Mon Amour (My love).
So, I would have to say that I am very happy with my WIPocalypse progress so far for 2020. Hopefully, I can maintain it - often I have lost my way by the end of January but I have managed to make great inroads over two months now - yay!